This website is about memes. We will post and rate internet memes for you, our audience. This website was established in Feburary of 2020. The authors of this website are Matthew Chagdes and Brendan Urganus. We are enrolled in an Exploring Computer Science (ECS) class. This will be the first of many websites we make together. For inquiries, contact us at
Internet memes are a certain concept adapted to the internet which are made for humor purposes and its general idea is making images or videos into something funny.
There were many great memes this past decade. It was the first decade where internet memes became very popular. During the 2010s, memes evolved tremendously. During the early years of the 2010s, memes mostly looked the same, with the generally the same fonts. However, as time went on, memes became more diverse. There ere many great memes during the 2010s, but there were a few that stood out in both clean format as well as clever thought.
The funniest memes of the decade would include:
Janurary | February |
A Man Has Fallen into the River In Lego City | Ice Age Baby |
World War 3 | Captain America Tells A Dad Joke |
Corona Virus | WWE Undertaker Enters Arena |
I am Once Again Asking For Your Financial Support (Bernie Sanders) | Nancy Pelosi Tearing Papers |
The reason we consider these bad is because they were overused and not funny. For example, Facebook Minion memes are mainly used by adults, not children or teenagers, the main audience of memes. This hurts their reputation. Another bad meme that stood out was Surgery on a Grape. This meme began in November of 2018 and became popular very quickly. It flooded comment sections on social media websites, making it annoying.
Matthew Chagdes is a gamer and a memer. When he is not hard at work updating this website or working on schoolwork, he is playing video games on his PC or his ps4. Matthew's favorite video game is Minecraft. He is very skilled. While working on this project, he quickly became the CSS expert, solving multiple problems in order to make this website visually appealing.
Brendan Urganus lives for sports. He plays hockey, wearing the number 58. He is a defenseman and was named an All-Star this past season. He also loves playing video games. His favorite titles are Madden, NHL, and Uncharted. Most of all, he obsesses over schoolwork. School takes his #1 priority, and he can often be seen studying for tests and working on projects.
Best/Worst Memes of 2019